
Topic: condenced matter physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, field theory and elementary-particle physics, astrophysics, physical electronics, applied physics, interdisciplinary physics, physical & technological problems of information security, and adjacent fields of physics, engineering, history of physics, chronicles, famous personalities and bibliography
Founders: Uzhgorod National University, Department of Physics, Transcarpathian Physical Society
Year established: 1998
Certificate of registration: KB № 7972 from 10.09.2003
Registration SAC Ukraine: Resolution № 1-05 / 8 from 22.12.2010
SAC Specialty: physical science
Editor: Professor V.Rizak (Editor-in-Chief)
Deputy Editor: Associate Professor V. Bilanych (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Executive Secretary: Associate Professor V. Bilanych (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Editors: Professors Yu.Vysochanskyi, A.Grabar,V.Lazur, М.Маryan, І.Nebola, Yu.Popyk, O.Slyvka, І.Studeniak, І. Shafranyosh, L.Shymon, Associate Professor P.Guranych (Uzhhorod National University), Academician of Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Professor О. Shpenyk, Professor V. Kel’man (Institute of Electron Physics of Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Uzhhorod), Professors P.Kopchans’kyi (Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Science, Košice), V. Shevel’ko (Moscow), P. Yanev (EuroAtom, Yulich, Germany), Associate Professor V.Sheben’ (University of Prešov, Slovak Republic).
Address Voloshyn Str. 54, Uzhhorod, 88000, Ukraine
Phone (380-3122) 32024